双语:AI in Space in High Detail Speeding up the Processing of Space Images

AI in Space in High Detail Speeding up the Processing of Space Images



Much of the information that is beamed back from space is useless. Pictures taken by satellites orbiting the Earth might take days to download, only to show lots of cloud obscuring the area of interest. The subject matter may also be surrounded by irrelevant information. All this uses up a lot of valuable bandwidth.


Processing data in space, before transmission, would reduce clutter, but this can be tricky. Cosmic rays randomly flip the ones and zeroes that computers operate on, introducing unpredictable errors. High levels of radiation can also damage electronic circuits. KP Labs, based in Gliwice, Poland, is building a satellite to overcome some of these problems. Their device, called Intuition-1, is controlled by a neural network, a form of artificial intelligence modelled on the human brain. The satellite is what is known in the trade as a 6U CubeSat, which means it is composed of six standard-sized 10x10x11.5cm modules.

传输前在太空先行处理数据可以减少无用信息,但操作起来有难度。宇宙射线会导致计算机二进制信息的1和0发生随机翻转,导致不可预测的错误。强辐射也可能损坏电路。位于波兰格利维采(Gliwice)的KP实验室(KP Labs)正在打造一颗卫星来克服其中一些问题。这颗卫星名为“直觉一号”(Intuition-1),由一个神经网络(一种模拟人脑的人工智能形态)控制。按业内的说法,这是一种6U立方卫星(6U CubeSat)——由六个10x10x11.5cm的标准尺寸模块组成。

Intuition-1 will be equipped with a hyperspectral imager, which takes 150 pictures of every scene it looks at. Each picture is at a different spectral frequency, so contains different information. The neural network stitches these together using powerful graphics chips hardened against radiation. The developers have also built error correction into their software.


Intuition-1 will view a 15km-wide swathe of Earth at a resolution of 25 metres per pixel. This will be able to reveal details such as how well crops are growing or allow the number of trees in a forest to be counted.


But instead of transmitting back every last bit of image data, the satellite will summarise what the user requests as useful information. This might, for instance, be a heat-map showing areas of weeds in a field or the location of a forest fire. Reducing the data load means that some of this information can be transmitted live.


The satellite will be used to prove that a hardened neural network can survive in space. This could pave the way for other space applications. For example, the Curiosity rover on Mars was successfully upgraded in 2016 with a set of algorithms to detect “interesting” rocks for investigation, instead of picking them randomly. A neural network could provide future rovers and deep-space probes with a better ability to make decisions.


The neural network and hyperspectral imager have already been built and tested by KP labs. The kit will go into a satellite body being constructed by Clyde Space, a satellite producer based in Scotland, and launched in 2022. After that there will be more intelligence in space.

KP实验室已制造并测试了上述神经网络及高光谱成像仪。该套件将安装到由苏格兰卫星制造商Clyde Space制造的一颗卫星上,于2022年发射。往后,太空将变得更智能。
