Be Happy With What You Have
One must have an enterprising spirit, being prepared, courageous and determined to progress, however, at the same time, one must also be able to adapt himself to his current position, feeling happy with what he has achieved.
On the career ladder, for instance, rung A is the beginning position, next up is rung B, and still higher along the ladder are rungs C, D, E, etc. From either A to B or B to C, there will be a distance for one to cover requiring effort. To be more specific, to climb from any one rung to the next, one must make continued exertions over a period of time: there is just so much for one to learn and to experience before he can make a significant achievement in character cultivation.
While one is struggling to climb up to rung B from his current position on rung A, he necessarily feels dissatisfied with his current situation and hopes a higher position will bring his days of toil to an end. Yet when he actually gets there, he finds no interest in the new position either, for he again begins to covet a still higher rung up the ladder, believing his dream will be realized just as long as he can reach it… If this vicious cycle is allowed to repeat itself all one’s life, one will find oneself locked in a situation of perpetual dissatisfaction, one’s body and soul having nowhere to anchor themselves. Is this not the greatest misery in the world?
So while exerting yourself up the social ladder, learn to be happy with wherever you are and whatever you already have. Isn’t it fun enough to just do one thing perfectly, or deal with one thing properly? If you can find the same happiness on either rung A or rung B, your whole life will be filled with joy. This is what I understand as the principle of “be happy with what you have”, a mindset which is positive rather than passive. If you can thoroughly understand the truth in it, it will benefit you all your life.
1. 译文在这三个短语前面加了一个概括词(enterprising spirit),然后再分别译出。
2. 译文对“随遇而安”依文章立意有所释义。
3. 这部分被拆成两句,并用冒号引出对前句的解释,明示出两句间的逻辑接承。
4. 此句译文有所衍化:化为两句,加了条件句,“筋疲力尽”“如坐针毡”之意变通融于句中。
5. 此句译为否定疑问句,结构有所压缩,语气更合英语行文要求。