
Gather in Beijing for the Winter Olympics


Chargé D’Affaires Yang Wen Published a Signed Article on Morgunblaðið



24 January 2022

In two weeks’ time, the quadrennial ice and snow event will be held in Beijing. On February 4th, the best winter sports athletes around the world including the Icelandic will gather and compete together in Beijing. In many ways, the Beijing Winter Olympics is a special one, mainly reflected in the following aspects:



First, the Beijing Winter Olympics is destined to make history. All together, there will be about 3,600 athletes participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics which will last for 25 days. By hosting the Winter Olympics, Beijing will become the first city ever in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. Thirteen years ago, the 2008 Beijing Olympics were held successfully. We believe that, with the joint efforts of all participants and based on the principles of “green, inclusive, open and clean”, Beijing will present a streamlined, safe and splendid event and bring a wonderful “Ice-snow Feast” to the world. The mascots of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics are very cute and meaningful. Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Olympics, was designed and created with the panda as its prototype, symbolizing purity, strength, health and vitality, representing the power and tenacity of Winter Olympic athletes, as well as inspiring Olympic spirit. The mascot of the Paralympics, Shuey Rhon Rhon, was designed and created with the Chinese red lantern as its prototype, which means lighting up dreams and warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, embodying the fighting spirit of Paralympic athletes and the concept of the Paralympics to inspire the world.



Second, the Beijing Winter Olympics symbolizes solidarity and strength. This Winter Olympics will be held against the background of the global pandemic. Its slogan, “Together for a Shared Future”, encourages the people of the world to unite and fight the pandemic together, and usher in the beautiful post-pandemic era. International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach believes that sports play an important role in building a post-pandemic world, and the Beijing Winter Games will open a new era for global winter sports. The pandemic poses a great challenge to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. While advancing the preparation works efficiently, Beijing is also making solid efforts to prevent and control COVID-19. The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee adopts strict closed-loop management measures to ensure the safety and health of all athletes and participants. The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, together with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), has successively released two editions of the Playbooks which have formulated epidemic prevention guidelines for all stakeholders. The relevant measures, reflecting the latest research on epidemic prevention and collecting the opinions of Chinese and foreign experts, have drawn on the experience of many large-scale international sports events and were tested in nearly 13 international test matches and training weeks held from October to December last year. These prevention and control measures will definitely reduce the risk of infection, not only to ensure the health and safety of all athletes and Olympic participants, but also to ensure the Games can be held smoothly. IOC President Thomas Bach said that the closed-loop of the Beijing Winter Olympics is a “safe haven” and “the safest place in the world”. Richard Budgett, chief medical officer of the IOC, also expressed his confidence that, with professional skills, resources and corresponding epidemic prevention plans, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee is able to deal with Omicron and all other variants.



Third, the Beijing Winter Olympics is a low-carbon, environmentally friendly, sustainable and green event. Sustainable development is both China’s national strategy and one of the three fundamental themes of the Olympic Agenda 2020. For more than 6 years, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has fully implemented the principles of hosting “green, inclusive, open and clean” Olympic Games, set the goal of “creating a new model for the Olympic Games and regional sustainable development”, and achieved a number of sustainable achievements. All of the stadiums of the Beijing Winter Olympics have met the green building standards. Four ice stadiums have used new carbon dioxide refrigerants, making an ultra-low-energy project of more than 50,000 square meters. Low-carbon energy is fully utilized, and all the venues will be wholly powered by green energy. More than 80% of the vehicles during the Games will be energy-saving and clean energy vehicles to build a low-carbon transportation system. With these efforts, the Beijing Winter Olympics will make the Games carbon neutral and realize the goal of “ecological Winter Olympics.” Andrew Parsons, President of IPC, said that Beijing 2022 Games have promoted local development in environment, economy and society, and will enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and thereby inspire and excite the world.



With a long history of ice sports, Iceland always takes an active part in the Winter Olympics. Since 1948, Iceland has participated in all but one Winter Olympic Games. At Beijing Winter Olympics, Iceland will send 5 athletes to participate in alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowboard. In 2008, the Icelandic men’s national handball team won a silver medal at Beijing Summer Olympics. We sincerely wish Icelandic athletes another great success and look forward to their wonderful performance at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In fact, the connection between China and Iceland with Olympics is very close. As early as the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, 18 athletes from all over the world including Chinese athletes used prosthesis made by Össur, the well-known Icelandic company. These athletes won 11 gold medals, 6 silver medals, 4 bronze medals, 6 world records, and 3 paralympic records. At Beijing Winter Olympics, Össur also provides prosthesis and installation services to the Chinese competitors from the disabled snowboard team. In addition, in the “Music Voyage” Winter Olympics-themed music produced by China Global Television Network (CGTN), Doctor Victor, Icelandic musician and full-time physician, presented wonderful musical works. Doctor Victor’s works, which is perfectly integrated with Icelandic elements and full of Nordic style, have dazzled the Chinese people and become very popular in China.

冰岛拥有悠久的冰上运动历史,一直以来都以积极的姿态参加冬奥会,自1948年起,冰岛参加了除了1972年以外的所有冬季奥运会。本届冬奥会,冰岛将派出5名运动员参加高山滑雪、越野滑雪和单板滑雪等3个大项。2008年,冰岛男子手球国家队在北京夏季奥运会上斩获银牌,我们期待冰岛运动员在北京冬奥会上的精彩表现,衷心祝愿冰岛的运动健儿们再创佳绩!事实上,中国和冰岛的奥运情缘由来已久,早在2008年北京夏季残奥会上,包括中国运动员在内的18名来自世界各地的运动员就使用了冰岛奥索公司制作的假肢,奥索公司支持的运动员共拿到11枚金牌,6枚银牌,4枚铜牌,6项世界纪录,3项残奥会记录。本届冬奥会,奥索公司给中国残疾人单板滑雪队LL1和LL2级别参赛选手提供了假肢配件和安装服务。另外,中国国际电视台(CGTN)制作的《因乐冬奥》系列冬奥主题曲中,冰岛音乐人、全职医生Doctor Victor同来自世界各地的音乐人一道奉献了极具创意的音乐作品,他滑着单板在雪山中寻找灵感,将冰岛元素和个人风格与前两棒音乐人的作品完美融合起来,创作出充满北欧风情的冬奥篇章,让中国民众深受震撼。


The Olympic Games always stand for the human striving spirit, bringing us moments of hope, passion, commitment, love and the triumph. At the same time, it reminds us that as long as we stick together, nothing is invincible. Let’s unite “Together for a Shared Future” under the Olympic banner, and restore the world’s confidence in a bright future!
