




近年来,由于航班延误等原因发生了一些“空怒”事件。随之,汉语词库增加了“空怒”这个新词。“空怒”,英语可以译为air rage,例如:


1. Air rage is the general term for disruptive or violent behaviour perpetrated by passengers and crew of aircraft, typically during flight. “空怒”是乘客和空乘人员通常在飞行期间引发的捣乱或暴力行为的统称。


2. Frequent flight delays are to blame for increased frustration among travelers and outbreaks of violent behaviour during flights, which is a new phenomenon known as “air rage”. 频繁的航班延误引发旅客中越来越多的不满情绪和飞行中的暴力行为,这是一种被称为“空怒”的新现象。


3. Compared with the Chinese-style jaywalking, Chinese-style air rage is more aggressive, as angry passengers resort to extreme measures over flight delays. 与“中国式过马路”相比较,中国式“空怒”更具攻击性,因愤怒的乘客对航班延误往往诉诸极端举措。


“空怒攻击”,英语可以译为air rage attack,例如:


4. A drunken passenger had an air rage attack, trying to hit a stewardess and had to be restrained until the plane landed. 一名醉酒乘客进行空怒攻击,企图殴打一位空姐,而不得不被控制起来,直至飞机着陆。


“空怒事件”,英语可以译为air rage incident,例如:


5. We don’t want to see any air rage incidents. 我们不想看到任何空怒事件。


6. Last week, an air rage incident occurred at a local airport, when a passenger tried to rip off a stewardess’ name badge, then hit her in the head. 上周,在一个地方机场发生了空怒事件,当时一名乘客试图扯下一个空姐的姓名牌,然后又打了她的头部。


“空怒族”,英语可以译为air rage tribe,例如:


7. The air rage tribe refers to the angry passengers who are enraged by flight delays. “空怒族”指因航班延误而被激怒的愤怒乘客。


现在道路上车辆越来越多,交通越来越拥堵,人们出行浪费的时间越来越长,司机的耐性越来越少,而脾气越来越暴躁。汉语词库中新添了“路怒”这个词,是从英语 road rage 翻译过来的。人们对“路怒”有各种各样的解释,例如:


8. Road rage is a motorist’s uncontrolled anger that is usually provoked by another motorist’s irritating act and is expressed in aggressive or violent behavior. “路怒”是驾车人不加控制的愤怒,通常由另一个驾车人的刺激行为引发,并以攻击性或暴力行为表达。


9. Road rage includes rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, and making threats. “路怒”包括粗鲁的手势、言语侮辱、故意以不安全或威胁的方式驾车,以及实施威胁。


“路怒”已成为一种现代病。“路怒症”,英语可以译为road rage,例如:


10. The driver suffered road rage and shouted at me to get out of his way. 这名司机患“路怒症”,冲我大喊,叫我给他让路。


“路怒袭击”,英语可以译为road rage attack。


“路怒事件”,英语可以译为road rage incident,例如:


11. This morning, a man was arrested for attacking a motorist in a road rage incident. 今天早晨,一名男子因在路怒事件中袭击一位驾车人而被捕。


12. I saw a road rage incident this morning. Two men had an argument at the traffic lights. They were shouting a lot, and then they started fighting. Soon the police came and they were arrested for road rage. 今天上午我目睹了一起路怒事件。两个人在红绿灯前吵架。他们高声喧嚷,然后动手打架。警察很快就来了,他们因“路怒”被抓了起来。




13. Road rage can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. 路怒可以被认为是攻击性驾驶的一个极端案例。


14. Aggressive driving behaviors include sudden acceleration, sudden braking, close tailgating, frequent and unnecessary lane changes, and running red or yellow lights. 攻击性驾驶行为包括突然加速、突然刹车、紧跟追尾、频繁且不必要地变换车道,以及闯红灯或黄灯。