

The So Called “Academic Disciplines”






[1]According to incomplete world statistics, the number of academic disciplines in different fields, mainly divided into natural and social sciences, at several levels, has reached more than 5,500.




[2] In fact, categorization of the academic world into disciplines has blurred its originality, for no purpose other than easy understanding. In Ancient Greece, there was no such thing as different branches of learning except “philosophy”, which was believed to embrace all human knowledge of the world. Similarly, in China disciplinary splits did not occur until On the Theme of the Six Scholarships was written by Sima Tan (?–BC110).




[3] For thousands of years, there have been various kinds of understandings about the world in which we live. The world may be best presented, however, as a system including cosmology, geography, society, human beings, thinking modes and so on. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Einstein’s Relativity have merely laid a foundation for us to grasp the essence of the system.




[4] Based on scientific research, the knowledge humanity has so far acquired constitutes only a tiny part of the universe. Visible matter detectable by humans, for example, accounts for a 5%, the rest (dark matter) making up 95% of the cosmos, which, neither emitting nor absorbing light or any other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level and inferred only from its gravitational effects on visible matter, still remains almost unknown to humans who are no less than a blind person feeling an elephant and missing the forest for the trees.


〔5〕人类就此“树木” 而研究的所谓学问,显然是人为的,即由人做出来的; 而人的认知能力还远无法揭示客观原貌。所以,学问应当永远让位于不断发现的真相3


[5] Knowledge of this kind, so to speak, is after all designed and produced by humans, who may fail to reveal the totality of the world. In this way, scholarship is always vulnerable when confronted with newly-revealed truth.




[6] In this light, it’s far too early, confining and rigid to categorize disciplines in our educational system, comparing it to that in the West. A friend of mine, for instance, at an Australian university, after studying literature for a few years switched to the field of biology, consequently achieving outstanding academic results.




[7] By “academic achievements”, we mean how far the world has actually been revealed, which can normally be better achieved either by increasingly specialized disciplines or continuing cross-disciplinary approaches in researching uncharted territories at the most accessible juncture.




[8] In today’s world, therefore, any specialists have to be, in one way or another, generalists, for they are not only specialized in their fields but also fully aware of where and how to apply their expertise – their scholarly wisdom.




1. 博士,暨南大学翻译学院特聘教授。


2. 这里未译成 It’s for easy understanding but not its true feature,而是译成现在这样,其中blur 意为to smear or stain something but not to efface。类似用法如:The framed reality shown in movies blurred the unframed reality.(电影里所表现的是经过加工过的现实,而非现实本身。)


3. 这里的“学问”不是一般意义上的knowledge, 而是人们为了研究学问而对其所作的分门别类的学科,故可为branch of learning、discipline、school subject、course of study,但更准确的,此处宜为scholarship;而“让位”,不是一般意义上的give away,该词更多的是“失去”之意。


4. 这里未按其字面意思译成the actual world, 而是变通为the world has actually been...,以为更能表达其意。


5. 将其中的“交叉……”动宾结构转化为cross-disciplinary approaches名词短语,为翻译中常用手法。


6. 这里不能机械地译成the location of scholarship,而是指对学问的认识与应用。