




“票贩子”,即“黄牛党”“黄牛”或“倒票者”,一般是指“以暴利为目的,转手倒卖车票、戏票、球票、电影票等各类紧俏票的人”。英语可以译为ticket scalper, scalper, ticket tout, tout, illegal ticket trader,例如:


1. 据报道,故宫博物院将加强打击票贩子和无证导游。

It is reported that the Palace Museum will intensify crackdowns on ticket scalpers and unlicensed tour guides.


2. 全面实行实名制购票是应对黄牛党的最好办法。

A thorough real-name ticketing system is the best way to deal with scalpers.


3. 显然,这些票中有很大一部分已落入黄牛党手中。

Apparently, a lot of those tickets have fallen into the hands of ticket touts.


4. 我被黄牛骗了两百元。

I was cheated by an illegal ticket trader for 200 yuan.


“黄牛票”英语可以译为scalper’s ticket,例如:


5. 春运期间,由于一票难求,我不得不用高价买了一张黄牛票回故乡与家人团聚。

As it was extremely difficult to get a train ticket during the Spring Festival period, I had to buy a scalper’s ticket to go back to my hometown to reunite with my family members.


“倒票”,英语动词可以译为to scalp, to tout;名词可以译为ticket scalping, ticket touting,例如:


6. 本地铁路警察已采取严厉措施打击倒票活动。

The local railway police have adopted rigorous measures to crack down on ticket scalping.


7. 在2012年1月中国全国推行实名制购票前,伪造假票和倒票活动严重影响了铁路旅行。

Ticket forging and ticket touting seriously affected travel by train before January, 2012, when China promoted a real-name ticketing system nationwide.


到医院看病,去银行取钱,在售票处买车票或电影票,碰上人多的时候,等待时间较长,有时需要排队。在英美国家,“排队”是件司空见惯的事情,表达方法多种多样。英国人说to queue up, to form a queue;而美国人说 to line up, to form a line, to make a line, to stand in line, to wait in line,例如:


8. 干旱地区的村民们在炎热的天气里排队从当地政府派来的卡车里取水灌满水桶。

The villagers in the drought-hit area queued up in hot weather to fill their buckets with water from the lorry sent by the local government.


9. 这位老师要求他的学生们排队进教室。

The teacher asked his students to form a queue to go into the classroom.


10. 这位幼儿园老师要孩子们排队好做游戏。

The kindergarten teacher asked the children to make a line to play games.


11. 游客们排队进入动物园观看大熊猫。

The visitors stood in a line for the giant pandas.


12. 许多果粉在纽约苹果旗舰店外排队买iPhone 6。

Many Apple fans waited in line outside New York’s flagship Apple Store to buy iPhone 6.


“插队”或“加塞儿”,作动词用时,英国英语为to jump the queue;美国英语为to cut in line, to cut in,例如:


13. 请按顺序买票,不要插队。

Please buy your tickets in turn,don’t jump the queue.


14. 等公交车时,插队很不礼貌。

It is impolite for you to cut in line when you are waiting for a bus.


15. 他插队进到队列前面。

He cut in at the head of the line./He cut in to the front of the line.


排队要按次第顺序编号。这种“号”,英语可以译为queue number,ticket number , queue ticket, queue card,例如:


16. 在银行,每位顾客从机器取一张标有数字的“号”,等候轮到自己。

In the bank, each customer takes a queue ticket with a number from a machine and waits for his turn.


17. 当轮到我的时候,我把号交给银行柜员,告诉他我要取点钱。

When it was my turn, I handed my queue card to the bank teller and told him that I would withdraw some money.


“倒号”,英语可以译为to scalp appointment registration tickets, to tout appointment registration tickets。“号贩子”,英语可以译为hospital scalper, hospital tout,例如:


18. 本市警方最近打击了在大医院卖挂号票的“号贩子”。

The police in this city has recently cracked down on hospital scalpers who sell appointment registration tickets at major hospitals.


“职业排队者”,英语可以译为professional queuer,例如:


19. 不管是买温布尔登球票,还是买与苹果公司相关的产品,例如最近的iPhone 6,职业排队者会替你排队。

A professional queuer will wait in line for you, be it for Wimbledon tickets, or anything Apple related, such as the latest iPhone 6.


20. “号贩子”实际上是非法职业排队者。

A hospital scalper is actually an illegal professional queuer.