






“碰瓷”,英语动词可以译为to fake/stage an accident;名词可以译为accident faking。“碰瓷者”,英语可以译为 accident faker。例如:


1. 这个流氓在大街上搞“自杀式碰瓷”,结果被送进派出所。

The rascal faked a suicidal accident in the street only to find himself sent to the police station.


2. 这位女司机还没来得及意识到发生了什么事,就看见一名男子突然撞到她缓慢行驶的汽车上碰瓷。

The woman driver saw a man suddenly throwing himself on her slow-moving car to stage an accident before she realized what had happened.


3. 碰瓷是一种敲诈勒索行为,而碰瓷者本质上是个敲诈勒索者。

Accident faking is a racketeering act, and the accident faker is in nature a racketeer.


4. 警方调查这起车祸,发现它完全是一场闹剧,其“受害人”实际上是个碰瓷者。

The police looked into the car accident and found it was a complete farce, and “the victim” was actually an accident faker.


碰瓷者常常表现为“假装摔倒”(to pretend to fall over),“假装被车碰撞”(to pretend to be hit/knocked down by a car),“假装受伤”(to pretend to be injured, to fake/feign an injury, injury feigning)等。例如:


5. 我看见这个流浪汉假装在一辆汽车前摔倒,躺在地上,佯装他被这辆汽车碰撞了。

I saw that the tramp pretended to fall over in front of a car, lying on the ground, and pretending he had been hit by the car.


6. 这个衣衫褴褛的男子假装被一辆路过的三轮车撞倒,坐在道路中央,与三轮车主争吵。

The ragged man pretended to be knocked down by a tricycle passing by, sat in the middle of the road, and quarreled with the tricycle owner.


7. 警察发现这个中年男子假装受伤,而事实上他并未受伤。

The policeman found the middle-aged man had faked an injury, but in fact, he had not suffered it.


碰瓷的目的是“索要赔偿”(to claim for compensation, to put in/lodge a claim for compensation)。例如:


8. 这个碰瓷者假装受伤, 企图索要赔偿。

The accident faker feigned an injury, in an attempt to claim for compensation.


9. 这个假装被汽车碰撞的老年妇女索要赔偿,因她声称受伤而要车主付给她一千元

The old woman who pretended to be hit by a car, put in a claim for compensation, and asked the car owner to pay her 1,000 yuan for her alleged injury.


10. 这个男子靠碰瓷和索要赔偿谋生。

The man makes his living by faking accidents and lodging fraudulent claims for compensation.


西方国家的碰瓷者大多是通过佯装受伤或撞坏自家汽车来骗取保险赔偿。这种“保险欺诈”是西方式“碰瓷”。英语可以译为car/auto insurance fraud/scam。例如:


11. 这名司机刚一撞到前面缓慢行驶的汽车尾部,他忽然意识到他已成为汽车碰瓷的受害者。

As soon as the driver crashed into the back of the car moving slowly in front, he suddenly realized that he had become a victim of car insurance fraud.


“敲竹杠”的意思是“利用别人的弱点或寻找借口向别人敲诈钱财”。英语的翻译方法很多。to blackmail (to force sb to give you money by threatening them),to extort (to make sb give you sth by threatening them),to fleece (to take a lot of money from sb by charging them too much),to put the lug on sb,to make sb pay through the nose (to make sb pay a heavy price for sth),都有“敲竹杠”的意思。例如:


12. 有人正企图利用这件丑闻以及这位银行经理与情妇的照片来敲他的竹杠。

Someone was trying to blackmail the bank manager with the scandal and the pictures of him and his mistress.


13. 这个假警察企图敲我竹杠,诈一大笔钱。

The fake policeman tried to extort a large sum of money from me.


14. 这个当地旅游品商店老板卖假货给旅游者,敲他们竹杠。

The boss of the local souvenir shop sold fake goods to the tourists and fleeced them of their money.


15. 这个地方警察以这家珠宝店老板卖假钻石戒指为借口,敲他竹杠。

The local policeman put the lug on the owner of the jewelry shop under the excuse that he had sold fake diamond rings.


16. 春节前,我从一个黄牛党那里以高价买了一张回老家的火车票。这个票贩子敲了我竹杠。

Before the Spring Festival, I bought a train ticket to my hometown from a ticket scalper at a very high price. The ticket scalper made me pay through the nose.


daylight robbery的字面意思是“光天化日之下打劫”。其引申意思是“敲竹杠”。例如:


17. 付多达20元买一个鸡蛋,简直就是敲竹杠。

To pay as many as 20 yuan for an egg is simply daylight robbery.




18. 这个敲竹杠的人因宰客而臭名昭著。

The blackmailer is notorious for ripping off his customers.




There is a car insurance scam doing round in Ontario, especially in Toronto and Ottawa. The scammers give free classified ads in newspapers, or web classifieds in all possible regions. The ads are usually very simple and will ask you to call a particular number. A typical ad will say, “We offer low insurance rates. Give us a call.” The moment you call the person, the scammers get your personal information. Then, you are told about the easy insurance procedures and asked to transfer money through Western Union to the insurance policies. You do receive forms, but if you check them with the legitimate insurance authorities, you will know that the policy does not cover anything and it is all just papers. The scammers use prepaid mobile numbers for this scam as they can throw it when a trouble comes up. Scammers also use different names like Arthur and Sons, Smith and Sons, Addison and Sons, etc. They also give bogus business addresses to people in various places. The best way to avoid such a scam is to contact concerning authorities and check if the insurance broker is a legitimate one. If you suspect any kind of fraud taking place, you can complain to the anti-fraud center.
