


/ 王逢鑫




1. When the surfaces of two mirrors are exactly parallel with each other, the nested images that occur are a form of infinite recursion. 当两面镜子的表面正好互相对着时,所产生的嵌套镜像是一种无限重现的形式。

2. The most common application of recursion is in mathematics and computer science, in which it refers to a method of defining functions in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition. “重现”最常见的应用是在数学和计算机科学方面,指一种界定各种功能的方法,被界定的功能在其自身定义中得到应用。

recurrence 多用来表示历史事件的重演。例如:

3. Hopefully, modern medical science will prevent a recurrence of such an event. 但愿,现代医学会防止这样的事件重演。

4. Historical recurrence refers to a historical phenomenon with regularity, which happens again and again in the evolutionary process of human society, in different domains, and in different temporal and spatial states. “历史重演指在人类社会演进过程中,不同领域以及不同时空重复出现、带有规律性的历史现象。

recurring 的意思是“重现的反复出现的。例如:

5. Death is a recurring incident in an everlasting life. 死亡是永恒生命中一个反复出现的事。

6. Peace and war are recurring themes in this writer’s works. 战争与和平是这位作家作品中反复出现的主题。

说到“重现现象,人们会联想到民间工艺品“中国套盒”(Chinese nested boxes 或 Chinese boxes)。例如:

7. Chinese boxes are a set of ornamental boxes of graduated size, each fitting inside the next larger box. “中国套盒是一系列大小依次递增的装饰性盒子,每一个小一点的盒子装在下一个大一点的盒子里。

8. As a traditional style in design, Chinese nested boxes have proved a popular packaging option in the West for novelty or display purposes.“中国套盒”是一种具有传统设计风格的包装方式,因其新颖和可用于展示而在西方很受欢迎。


9. Chinese nested boxes have found to use as a figurative description, providing an illustrative example to demonstrate situations of conceptually nested or recursive arrangements. 人们已发现“中国套盒可用作一种形象的描写手法,提供范例以表示在概念上嵌套或重现的安排方式。

10. In literature, a Chinese box structure refers to a frame narrative. A novel or drama is told in the form of a narrative inside a narrative, giving views from different perspectives. 在文学中,“中国套盒结构指框架叙事。小说或戏剧采用一个叙事套着另一个叙事的方式讲述故事,从不同的视角提供观点。

“俄罗斯套娃(Russian nesting doll 或 Russian doll)是俄罗斯特产的木制玩具,一般由多个图案相同的空心木娃娃一个套一个组成,也是一种“重现”现象。最普通的图案是一个身穿俄罗斯民族服装的姑娘,叫作Matryoshka ( 玛特罗什卡),成为俄罗斯套娃的通称,常用于工艺设计。例如:

11. A Russian Matryoshka doll refers to a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. It is a physical artistic example of the recursive concept.“俄罗斯套娃”指的是一系列一个套着另一个、尺寸递减的木制玩偶。


12. Matryoshkas are used metaphorically as a design paradigm, known as the “Matryoshka principle”. It denotes a recognizable relationship of “objectwithin-similar-object” that appears in the design of many other natural or crafted objects.“俄罗斯套娃”比喻一种设计范式,称为“俄罗斯套娃原则”。这种原则表示一种可识别的“相似物体嵌套”的关系,在其他许多天然或手工制品的设计中都能看到。

“层层洋葱鳞片(the layers of an onion) 也常用作隐喻,表示重现。例如:

13. The layers of an onion are also frequently used as a metaphor for many layers of encapsulation, similar to Chinese boxes and Matryoshka dolls. “层层洋葱鳞片也常用作隐喻,表示多层的封装物品,类似中国套盒俄罗斯套娃

14. You peel back one layer of the onion and there’s countless others that remain. 你剥下一层洋葱鳞片,下面还留有无数层鳞片。

一个人置身两面对立的镜子中间,会看到自己的影像无限重现,直至极小,使自己感到仿佛置身于深渊。源自法语的 mise en abyme,字面意思是 placed into abyss(被放进深渊)。这是一种“嵌套结构”,用作描述这种“重现”现象的术语。例如:

15. Mise en abyme is a French term, which is literally means “placed into abyss”. The most common sense of the phrase is to describe a person’s visual experience of standing between two mirrors, and seeing an infinite reproduction of his or her image.“嵌套结构”是一个法语专门名词,其字面意思是“被放进深渊”。这个词组的最通常的意思是描述一个人站在两面镜子之间,看到自身影像被无限复制的视觉体验。

mise en abyme 经常用作一种艺术手法。例如:

16. In Western art history, mise en abyme is a formal technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself, in a sequence appearing to recur infinitely.

For instance, when a man was watching a TV show within a TV show, he saw another man was watching a TV show. 在西方艺术史中,“嵌套结构是一种形式技法,其中一个形象包含着一个比它自身小的复制形象,依次无限地重现。例如,当电视节目里的一个人看电视节目时,他看见另一个人正在看电视节目。

17. Mise-en-abyme occurs within a text when there is a reduplication of images or concepts referring to the textual whole. 涉及整个文本的形象或概念重复出现时,在文本中就会出现“嵌套结构