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 “Heart” and “brain” – the two terms differ in connotations in the oriental and occidental cultures. Chinese people have long believed that “the function of aheart is to think”; while in the West, children are implied to “follow your nose” should they be told to “use your heart”, for the thoughts are supposed to be within the brain. Scientifically, the concept of “heart” in Western Medicine distinguishes itself from that of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): the former finds its origin in the pure concept of biology composed by anatomy, physiology and neurology; while the scope of the latter has been beyond the reach of medical science, a notion that involves culture, philosophy and theology, even metaphysics – “Heart, the sanctuary of spirit.”


“Heart” and “mind” have different implications in Chinese and Western cultures. Since ancient times Chinese have been convinced that “the function of heart is to think”, yet in the West, thinking is believed to be performed by brain, and the instruction of a parent “do it with your heart” implies that the kid can follow his own inner self or instincts. In terms of science, “psyche” in the Western medicine and “mind” in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) do not coincide with each other. The former is a completely biological concept based on anatomy, physiology, neurology, etc, whereas the latter is not confined to medicine, but extended to culture, philosophy, religion, and even as far as to metaphysics – “Mindis where the soul resides.”