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Being sick of doing something, a combination of the most severe sin and the greatest pain in life, refers to a mental desire to break away from some activities. That is to say, one is reluctant to work. You may save yourself from hard work only if you were a God-made bread digester which, unfortunately, you are not. The moment the tendency of being sick of working began to erode your mind, you already fell into abyss of extreme evil. Let me put it another way. Each and every human being has to make a living by hard work with no exception. This is the reality you can never change by your will.


Sloth is the greatest sin a man can commit, as well as being the biggest infliction of suffering in his life. It is the psychological state in which a man desires to avoid work, or in other words, feels sick of working. Is it conceivable that a man made by the Creator to be more than just a bread-consuming machine should spend a single day being idle? The moment a man harbours the slightest thought of avoiding work, he starts sinking into a life of vice. On the other hand, a man, regardless of his social status, requires work to live; working is inevitable, even if it is against a man’s will.

– Liang Qichao (Leung Kai Chiu)


Weariness may be the first sin in one’s life and the feeling that primarily tells one what is suffering. It is a psychological phenomenon that urges one to escape from what he /she is working on. In other words, one is reluctant to do what he/she should do. So, would it be possible for one to merely idle a day away? Anyway, no creature of God’s making is assigned to be just a machine that devours bread. But as long as the unwillingness to work grows in one’s mind, one is already on the way to sin. Apparently, anyone of any walks of life has to maintain a livelihood by working, which is inescapable no matter he/she likes it or not.

By Liang Qichao


Tiredness is the most sinful and also the most painful thing in our life. It is a psychological phenomenon of wanting to get away from an activity. In other words, it is an aversion to work(1). Think about that, however, a human being is not a machine God made specially just to consume food, is it reasonable and sensible for us to spend a day without working? As long as a slight intention of not wanting to work occurs to you, you will then fall into a place where all evils gather. Seen from another aspect, no matter what kind of person you are, you’ll always have to sustain your life by working. And no matter how reluctant you are to work, there is no escape at all.

(1) An aversion to work or “work aversion” is a recognized psychological disorder.