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Mr. Shen Congwen had a singular love for a girl student named Zhang Zhaohe and bombarded her with an avalanche of love letters, while teaching in Shanghai National University. Born into an illustrious family in areas south of Yangtze River, Zhang Zhaohe, a fair lady with a trail of suitors, thought it was indecent for a teacher to fall for his student and lodged a complaint against him with Hu Shih, the president. Hu said, beaming “what of it? He is still a bachelor!”, which rendered the lady speechless. Before she left, Hu said “I know Mr. Shen fall determinedly for you!” through four years of incessant efforts, this unrequited love of Shen for Zhang bore the fruit of marriage, becoming a much-told story in Chinese literary world.


When teaching in the China Public School of Shanghai, Shen Congwen attached a unique affection to his student, a girl who’s by the name of Zhang Zhaohe, thus inditing her billets-doux without intermission. Born of a gentle descent in the River South of China, with the outward beauty into the bargain, Zhang Zhaohe was a girl who would never face the insufficiency of suitors. In her point of view, Zhaohe thought it “unworthy of deportment” for a teacher to offer his courtship to a student, hence the denouncement of him to Hu Shi, who’s then the headmaster. With a smile on his face Hu Shi said to her: “Well, since he’s not married yet, what’s the big deal?” Zhaohe was struck speechless. On the point of Zhaohe’s leaving, the headmaster added: “Of Shen Congwen’s madly affections for you I know!” Through four years of constant effo[r]ts paid by Shen Congwen, this teacher-and-student love had witnessed its fruit, the two being finally the husband and wife. That’s one of the romantic tales throughout the arena of Chinese literature.


Shen Congwen fell for his student Zhang Zhaohe as he was teaching at the National University, now known as the University of China. He kept writing love letters to the charming young lady wooed by a legion of admirers as she was not only a beauty but also a gentlewoman of noble birth from regions south of the Yangtze River. However, Zhang believed that it was very improper for a teacher to woo his student, so she complained to the University President Hu Shi about what she thought was the misbehavior of Shen. The president smiled, “What does it matter? He is still single, right?” Zhang couldn’t reply. Before Zhang left, President Hu said, “I can tell that he loves you wholeheartedly all the time and nothing could change his mind.” Shen’s four-year perseverance was paid off as Zhang finally became his wife. Their love story has become a laudable episode in the Chinese literary circles.