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The Evolving Virus

Viruses are often confused with bacteria, but they are different – much smaller and more difficult to treat. They “live” inside of our cells though, really, viruses aren’t living or dead. Each tiny virus holds instructions for how and when to create new viruses. They need a host to replicate. Once they get inside one of our cells, they hijack or mislead the system and tell the cell to start making more viruses to dreadful conditions or even death. The virus will attach itself to the outside of a cell and inject the information into the cell. Our cells protect these viruses from attack once the virus enters the cell. That’s why viruses are difficult to treat. The body can fight many viruses on its own, but not always. The deadly COVID-19 strain of coronavirus has so far been poorly understood by the scientific community since it is still evolving into something much worse and difficult to treat.