双语:Fix the Roof While the Window of Opportunity is Open (下)

3. Foster long-term growth that benefits everyone




Fostering stronger and more inclusive growth is a key challenge.




If, as projected, advanced economies return to disappointing medium-term growth, this would worsen economic inequality, debt concerns, and political polarization.




At the same time, more than 40 emerging and developing countries are projected to grow more slowly in per capita terms than advanced economies.




This means slower improvements in living standards and a widening income gap between those countries and the advanced world.




As I said earlier, the window of opportunity is open. But to boost productivity and potential growth, countries need to step up economic reforms and policy actions.




Let me touch on two potential game-changers:




First, unlock the potential of the service sector, especially in developing economies.




In moving from an agriculture-based to a service-based economy, many of these countries are bypassing a traditional industrialization phase.




This raises concerns that countries could get stuck at lower-productivity levels, with little chance of catching up to advanced economy incomes.




Our latest research [7] shows, however, that some service sectors – led by transportation, communications, and business services – can match the productivity levels of manufacturing.




This is critical for countries such as the Philippines, Colombia, and Ghana where employment and output are shifting from agricultural production to higher-value services.




It is also important for the economic wellbeing of millions of women, who often account for the majority of service industry workers.




Unlocking this potential is not an easy task. It requires more public investment in education, training, and job-search assistance. It also means opening service sectors to more competition.




At the global level, there is work to be done as well. We need to increase trade in services, including e-commerce, by reducing barriers in this area – which are still extremely high.




The second potential game-changer is the digital transformation of government. [8]




When it comes to cutting-edge technologies and systems, public sectors can lead the way – and we are seeing great examples here in Asia:




In India, citizens receive subsidies and welfare payments directly into their bank accounts, which are linked to unique biometric identifiers.




In Australia, tax authorities collect information on wages in real time, which gives them immediate insight into the state of the economy.




And here in Hong Kong, bank customers will soon be able to use their mobile phone numbers and email addresses to transfer money or make retail purchases, thanks to a new, government-funded payment system. [9]




These initiatives are just the beginning. Governments across the world are now also looking at ways of generating efficiency gains.




For example, one recent study [10] estimates that almost 20 percent of public revenues worldwide, or about $5 trillion, go missing each year, because of tax noncompliance and misdirected government payments.




By using new tools – such as big data analysis – governments can reduce these leakages, which are often directly related to corruption and tax evasion. Reducing leakages would enable countries to increase priority spending.




The bottom line is that digital government can deliver public services more efficiently and more effectively, and help improve people’s lives. [11]




Think about it: more households in developing countries now have access to digital technology – such as the internet and smartphones – than have access to clean water and secondary education. [12]




What huge potential for digital interaction! But also, what a reminder that we need to leverage technology effectively to make broader development progress.                                 








Let me conclude. This generation of policymakers is facing a stark choice:




They can simply copy the policies of the past, which have delivered mixed results – raising living standards substantially, but leaving too many behind.




Or they can paint a new economic landscape – where open trade is fairer and more collaborative; where financial systems are safer and more supportive of economic growth; and where the digital revolution benefits not just the fortunate few but all people.




As the great artist Henri Matisse once said: “Creativity takes courage.”




We certainly need more courage – in the halls of government, in company conference rooms, and in our hearts and minds.




Thank you.




[1] April 2018 World Economic Outlook, Chapter 4.




[2] From 1990-2010. World Bank figures: World Development Indicators.




[3] April 2018 Fiscal Monitor, Chapter 1; global debt of $164 trillion in 2016.




[4] In advanced economies, public debt as a proportion of GDP was at 105 percent on average in 2017.




[5] Romer, C. D., and D. H. Romer. 2018. “Phillips Lecture – Why Some Times Are Different: Macroeconomic Policy and the Aftermath of Financial Crises.” Economica 85 (337): 1–40.


[5]Romer,C. D.和D. H. Romer,2018年,“菲利普斯讲座——某些时代为何不同:宏观经济政策和金融危机余波”,《经济学刊》85(337)期:第1-40页。


[6] April 2018 Global Financial Stability Report, Chapter 3.




[7] April 2018 World Economic Outlook, Chapter 3.




[8] April 2018 Fiscal Monitor, Chapter 2.




[9] The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is creating a so-called Faster Payment System, to be launched in September 2018.




[10] McKinsey research.


[10] 麦肯锡公司研究。


[11] Gupta, Sanjeev, Michael Keen, Alpa Shah, and Geneviève Verdier, Digital Revolutions in Public Finance, International Monetary Fund, 2017.


[11]Gupta、Sanjeev、Michael Keen、Alpa Shah和Geneviève Verdier,《公共财政领域的数字革命》,国际货币基金组织,2017年。


[12] World Bank data.


