




[1]中,这里的“性”,指的是“人性”,即human nature;而“性善论”,若译成the mankind-hearted、virtue of human thought、kind-hearted by nature、the innate goodness theory等,似有一定道理,但不够准确。其中的状语“长期”,多数人习惯性译成了“For a long time, ...”“For the long run...”“...since very long ago”等,但考虑到英语“形合”的特点,宜将其融入句子之中。“误解”,有misunderstanding、misconception、be misunderstood、misconstrued等,但实质是其涵义被曲解了,所以可用be mistakenly interpreted等。故该句不妨译为:Mencius’ theory of the original goodness of human nature has long been mistakenly interpreted to mean that humans are innately and perpetually kindhearted. 或更直译些的:Concerning the theory of original goodness by Mencius(372-289 BC), it has long been misunderstood that human nature is naturally and eternally good.

[2]中,上半句所涉及的内容根据的是:《孟子·滕文公章句上》,“孟子道性善,言必称尧舜”;《告子章句下》,“曹交问曰:‘人皆可以为尧舜,有诸?’孟子曰:‘然’”。很多人译为:It is said that all men may become Yaos and Shuns. 化用为“尽舜尧”后,又有了不同翻译,许多人译成:...is born to be Yao and Shun.这么译似有不妥。首先,born good / evil 即可,如:①I believe that the normal human heart is born good.(我相信一般人生来心都是善的。)②Criminals are never born evil, and, in the case of corruption, it is quite clear that social factors play an important role.(罪犯并非生来就是恶的,在腐败案例中,很明显,社会因素起了很大作用。)其次,单纯地译成Yao and Shun,恐难为英文读者尽知,故可添同位语或稍加诠释。“与兽相同的”,很多人译成了same to other animals、have same instinct as animals、of the instinct similar to creatures等,似乎可以接受,但是更为准确的“兽”,应为beasts,该词的本义是a living organism characterized by voluntary movement。animal固然也可以,但该词原义是a living organism that is distinguished from plants by independent movement and responsive sense organs,主要是指与植物的区别。creature则为any living person or animal,其中包括“人”(除非以other来区分)。

关于“有些东西是无所谓善或恶的,人也会堕落”,孟子在《告子章句上》中针对人性如水、“决诸东方则东流,决诸西方则西流”的观点,指出“今夫水,搏而跃之,可使过颡;激而行之,可使在山。是岂水之性哉?其势则然也”(就水而言,拍打溅起来,可以高过额角;戽水使之倒流,可以引上高山。这难道是水的本性吗?是形势使其那样)。所以,他认为,正如水本性往低处流,受外力作用才会变向,人也只有在外部条件的影响下才会变坏,这种改变不是人的本性使然。这里的“坏”,许多人用了bad、corrupt、brutish、degenerate、immoral、unethical等,实际上good与evil是一对概念。同时,应将“人也会堕落”的暗含条件作为状语补充上去,如...if... 、under... condition等,故此句不妨译为:In fact, Mencius did not hold that every man is bornYao or Shun, the two sages in ancient China; he also identified other attributes, resembling beasts, which may be either good or bad in themselves, but which can lead to evil if not duly controlled.

[3]中,对孟子的“高明”,许多人译成 Mencius' genius 或wise / brilliant / excellent / super as Mencius is等,未免有些过分,实则不妨为judiciously / sensibly (points out)等。而那样便并非“人性”,是“与禽兽无异”之意,朱熹在《集注》解释道:“事物之理,莫非自然,顺而循之,则为大智;若用小智凿以自私,则害于性而反为不智。”所谓“害于性”“不智”便是有别于人性了,不过朱老夫子说得更文雅些,但在中国传统文化里,若用到“禽兽不如”“形同禽兽”“行若狗彘”等,已经是对人最不齿的形容了,所以需加些“反人性”“屈同于”之类的贬义词,如defy、go against、contrary to及downgrade、demean、abase等,故该句不妨译为:However, Mencius judiciously pointed out that when a man does evil he is actually defying human nature and abasing himself to the level of other living creatures.
