




对于题目,有的参赛者漏掉没有翻译,这是不应该的,因题目是文章的有机、甚至是重要的组成部分,关系到下面内容。对此,一般译成Weeping and Wailing Produces Nothing、Weeping and wailing is hopeless、Useless Tears、Unpromising Weeps、Crying makes no sense、Crying and unpromising、Complaining Is Good for Nothing、Snivelling is Futile、Crying has no prospects、A Crybaby Will Amount to Nothing等,有的作了引申的意译,如More sadness, less boldness、Strong in grievances、weak in criticism、Like a Sniveling Victim Without Bright Prospect、Cry and tear only belong to loser、Pathetic Losers等,应当说,除了其中的一些语法、词语表述等问题外,不啻为有益尝试。在形式上,题目应为黑体(bold),而英文单词的第一个字母要大写。对此,为简洁醒目,不妨译为:Li Ao: Mere Weeping is Good for Nothing。

[1]中,“李敖喜欢海明威。海明威说过……”,许多人跟随原文,译成“Li Ao loves Hemingway. Hemingway said that…”,然而依据中文“意合”、英文“形合”的特点,第二个Hemingway可用代词who或whose (saying) 等,以避免重复。顺便说,有参赛者将“海明威”拼写成Hai Mingwei,可见其不知美国此著名作家。

对于“人可以被打败,但却不可以被打垮”,许多人译成people can be defeated, but can not be beaten down、human beings could be defeated, but they couldn't be knocked down、people can be defeated, but they can't be beaten、one can be beaten but never be broken等,显然没有核对原文。该名句出自海明威的名著《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea):But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 直译为:但人不是为失败而生的。一个人可以被消灭,但不能被打败。原文在引用时作了些变通,即说成“打败”,主要是将destroy淡化了,该词原义为to cause so much damage to it that it is completely ruined or does not exist any more,如:That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.(那样做肯定会破坏经济、制造混乱。)而此处指的是人生中有数的失败,如:①Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.(双方都曾在单打比赛中击败过对方几次。)②There are men who simply don't like being beaten by a woman.(有些男人就是不想被女人打败。)③她指着他说,一旦有机会,就会弄死他的。(She pointed at him and said she was going to beat him to death when she got the chance.)故此处若用beat也可以接受。“打垮”,则可用defeat,该词固然有物质方面的,如:Our soldiers inflicted a severe defeat upon the enemy troops.(我军使敌军遭到惨败。)同时,更有精神方面的,如the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals,即有理想破灭之意,如:①After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.(失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。)②He tries to co-opt rather than defeat his critics.(他竭力想拉拢而不想诋毁他的批评者。)③他是个不服输的人。(He is a man who knows no defeat.)beat和defeat可结合使用,如:We can be beaten thousands of times but never be defeated.(我们可以被千百次地打倒,但我们不能接受失败。)

“这一点,李敖做到了。”,参赛者一般译成“Li Ao did/made it.”“This is what exactly Li Ao did.”“Li Ao lived up to this sentence.”“Lee made it and became that man.”“Li was just this kind of man.”。其实“He was the man.”是有特指的,如:①I always knew that he was the man for me.(对我来说,他就是世上无可取代的那个人。)②He was the man, for me he was everything.(他是个人物,对我来说他就是一切。)应当说,有的译文相当不错,如:As an admirer of Hemingway, Li Ao lived up to what his idol said of a man who “can be destroyed but not defeated”.

故此,该句不妨译为:Li Ao liked Hemingway, who said that man can be destroyed but not defeated. Li Ao was surely the man in this regard.

[2]中的“嘲笑”,参赛译文用了ridicule、scorn、mock、deride、make fun of、jeer at等,若前后搭配恰当,似都可接受。

所谓“伤痕文学”是上世纪70年代末到80年代初在中国文坛出现的一种特有的文学现象,因短篇小说《伤痕》而得名,揭示了“文革”对人们心灵的沉痛伤害,有其特殊的历史价值,李敖的观点未必中肯,此处不加评说。单就翻译而言,有译为trauma literature、bruise literature等,但更确切的应为 “Scar Literature”(即所谓的,应加引号)。

故该句不妨译为:He once ridiculed the “Scar Literature” on Mainland China as merely weeping and wailing that are good for nothing.

[3]中,“他曾入狱受了10年折磨”,参赛者做了多方尝试,如Though having been tortured in prison for 10 years、He was tormented for ten years in prison、He had been in jail for a torturous ten years、He was imprisoned and tortured for a decade before he was finally released等,似都可接受,但了解背景的,还应作点“增译”,如Having been put in jail in Taiwan where he suffered for ten years。

“春风不改,笑容依旧”是一种文学语言,形容他意志并未颓丧。有的译得比较实,如he remained his smile and the spring breeze on his look never changed、his smile still bloomed after liberation;有的稍放开一些,如he remained smiling and active after releasing from prison;还有的更偏意译,如he didn’t change after he was released from prison。其实,若指其精神状态并未change,则不妨用intact,其义为not harmed or damaged as a result of something that has happened,类似的,如:①His reputation survived intact.(他的名声丝毫未受影响。)②I feel very embarrass talking like this as if I actually do have a right value intact in my head.(我觉得这样说很不好意思,正如我的脑子里本来就有正确价值观一样。)③I’m here to tell you this boy’s soul is intact. It’s non-negotiable.(我可以告诉你这孩子的灵魂并未被受到污染——这一点是不容置疑的。)同时,可结合smiling和confident。

故整句不妨译为:Having been put in jail in Taiwan where he suffered for ten years, he came out intact, as he was still smiling and confident. 令人欣喜的是,亦有参赛译文非常出彩,如:He was justified in doing so as he had endured a decade of suffering behind bars, but he emerged with his spirit unbroken and his smile undimmed.

[4]中,“稍事片刻的休整”是一种夸张,似不必实译成took a momentary rest等。

“他又拍马挺枪……而且越战越勇”则可实可虚,前者如“he became a warrior again who, holding a spear on horseback, charged back into battle, his courage mounting as he fought on”“he grabbed his spear and mounted the horse to fight again and even more bravely like a knight in the literary battlefield”等,而后者不宜太略,如“he was setting out again, and getting better and better”“allowed him for another round of fight”等。总之,应有“重整旗鼓”之意,如用rallied his forces或pulled himself together。

对于“有权嘲笑”中的“权”,大都译成right、power,须知,此二词都是法律概念,而此处更多体现的是一种社会价值中的“资格”(配不配),故可用be entitled to或in a position to,如:①He was entitled to have a state funeral.(他有权享受国葬待遇。)②He is in a position to comment on this matter.(他最有权评论此事。)

此句不妨译为:Taking a break, he rallied his forces and started afresh, fighting even more courageously. He was thus entitled to make fun of what he had said.




"Useless Tears"

Li Ao appreciates Hemingway, who once wrote that a man can be destroyed but not defeated. To this point, Li manages to live under this spirit. He once ridiculed the "Scar Literature", originating from the Chinese mainland, as "useless tears". He has been tortured for 10 years in the jail, but still remains as tough and positive as ever after his liberation. Like a soldier, he takes another shot and braves the battlefield again after a short break, in a way to behave from strength to strength during the course. That's why he has the right to despise the so called "Scar Literature".


"A Crybaby Will Amount to Nothing"

As an admirer of Hemingway, Li Ao lived up to what his idol said of a man who "can be destroyed but not defeated." He once mockingly referred to "trauma literature" on the Chinese mainland as "a crybaby who will amount to nothing." He was justified in doing so as he had endured a decade of suffering behind bars, but he emerged with his spirit unbroken and his smile undimmed. He took only a moment's rest before he became a warrior again who, holding a spear on horseback, charged back into battle, his courage mounting as he fought on.


No Prospects for Crybabies

Li Ao admires Hemingway and practices as Hemingway puts that a man can be destroyed but not defeated. Li once derided mainland's "trauma literature" as crybabies with no prospects. Having been tormented in jail for 10 years, he came out wearing the same air and smile as ever. After a moment's break, Li rallied his forces and fought with greater courage. Judging from this, his ridicules were justified.